Bouquet of flowers on stand
Gorgeous Bouquet of Pop Flowers on stand.
Words found within the bouquet, include:
Live, Laugh,Love, Dance, XOXO, Am Yisrael Chai, Peace, Joy, Kindness, Forever in my Heart, Live Life in Full Color,
Size 27cm high by 22cm wide, 10,63" by 8,6"
hand signed

Please note each case is custom made especially for you.
For mobile phones: Please check under settings on your phone under your name what your phone is to make sure it is the correct size and make. If you do select the incorrect size after receiving your cover please ship back to us and we will send you the correct size once we receive your case. Our store is based in Raanana, Israel.
Gorgeous Bouquet of Pop Flowers on stand.
Words found within the bouquet, include:
Live, Laugh,Love, Dance, XOXO, Am Yisrael Chai, Peace, Joy, Kindness, Forever in my Heart, Live Life in Full Color,
Size 27cm high by 22cm wide, 10,63" by 8,6"
hand signed
New Challah Covers